Tshepiso Gaetsewe
Research Fellow I

Dr Pinkie Kebakile

Acting Head of Unit; Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development

Dr Pinkie Kebakile is a Research Fellow at BIDPA, working under the Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Unit. She holds a PhD in Economics, specialising in international trade, from University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her PhD thesis is entitled “Dynamics of Firm-level Export Diversification in Botswana”. The thesis specifically focusses on trading firms in Botswana, in relation to their export diversification behaviour. Dr Kebakile has vast experience in consultancy work and her previous record as a team member is that of a dedicated and time conscious consultant. She has done well in a number of research and consultancy projects at BIDPA which include, inter alia, “Review of the Small, Medium and Large Enterprises Database”, which was initiated by the Local Enterprise Authority; “Consultancy on the Viability and Long Term Development Strategy for the Livestock (Beef) Sub-Sector in Botswana” for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning; “The Competitiveness of the Botswana’s Beef Industry”, which resulted in a journal publication; “The Feasibility of Mandatory Fortification of Cereals in Botswana” for the University of Botswana; “A National Trade Policy for Botswana: Zero Draft and Consultations” for Ministry of Trade and Industry; and the “Review of the Existing Welfare Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Botswana” for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Dr Kebakile’s experience with consultancy work also includes providing technical advice on trade policy and market access issues through her membership in the following committees; Technical Committee on Market Access; Committee on Empowerment of Women in Trade; Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (TIFI); as well as member of the Industrial Development Forum.

Tshepiso Gaetsewe

Research Fellow I

Goitseone Khanie

Research Fellow I

Goitseone Khanie
Research Fellow 1
Unit: Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development
Ms. Goitseone Khanie is a Research Fellow in the Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Unit at BIDPA. She holds a collaborative Master of Arts Degree in Economics (2014) from the University of Botswana and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC); and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree in Economics and Public Administration (2011) from the University of Botswana. As a think tank researcher, Ms. Khanie has a solid background in evidence-based policy research and consultancy, which extends across economic policy analysis, production of policy publications and statistical analysis. She specialises in Industry and Private Sector Development, and her research interests lie primarily in enterprise development, industrialization, financing for development, digitalization, global value chains (GVCs) and international trade issues. Some of her research work has been published in peer reviewed journals, and as BIDPA working papers and policy briefs. Ms Khanie has contributed immensely to the successful completion of several consultancy projects while at BIDPA including among others the Review of the 2012 Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy, Assessment of Investment Opportunities within the Manufacturing Sector in Botswana, Review of Botswana’s Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme, and Profiling and Assessment of the Formal and Informal SMMEs in Botswana.


  1. Khanie G., and Gaetsewe, T., (2022). “Responsiveness of Cigarette Demand to Price Changes in Botswana”. African Capacity Building Foundation, February 2022
  2. Khanie, G., (2020). “Key Drivers of Industrial Growth: A Case Study of Botswana’s Manufacturing Sector”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 73, March 2020.
  3. Khanie, G., (2019). “Education and Labor Market Activity of Women: The Case of Botswana”. Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 1, No. 22, pp. 791-805, https://doi.org/10.1111/lands.1245
  4. Khanie, G., (2019). “Education and Female Labour Market Activity”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 61, May 2019.
  5. Khanie, G., (2018). “Impact of Internationalization on Firm Performance”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 58, August 2018.
  6. Khanie, G., (2018). “Financing SMEs in Botswana: Factors Influencing Access to Credit”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. Working Paper No. 50, March 2018.
  7. Malope, P., Tshukudu, M., Gaetsewe, T., Khanie, G., Molefhi, K. and Mackenzie, L., (2018). “An Insight into the 2018/19 Budget for the Education Sector: Briefing Note”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis.
  8. Modisaemang, G., Narayana, N., and Nair, M.K.S., (2015), “Is External Debt a Threat to Botswana’s Economic Growth? An Empirical Enquiry”, International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jan – June 2015), pp. 15-23.
  9. Nair, M.K.S., Narayana, N. and Modisaemang, G, (2014), “The Causality Between External Debt and Economic Growth in Botswana: A Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Approach”, Indian Journal of Environment and Development, Vo. 11, No. 1, (June 2014), pp. 19-41.

Consultancy Projects

  1. Baseline Survey for CEDA Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency, March 2023 to date.
  2. Analysis of Tourism Leakages in Botswana: Botswana Tourism Organisation, Feb 2023 to date.
  3. Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey: Botswana Power Corporation, Nov 2021 to March 2023.
  4. Assessment of the Formal and Informal SMMEs in Botswana: Local Enterprise Authority, Dec 2021 – Dec 2022.
  5. Assessment of the SACU Operation Model: Ministry of Finance, Oct 2021 – Sep 2022
  6. Responsiveness of Cigarette Demand to Price Changes in Botswana: African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), Zimbabwe, Dec 2020 – Feb 2022
  7. Review and Revision of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme for Botswana: Ministry of Finance, Jan 2020 – Jul 2021,
  8. Assessment of Investment Opportunities within the Manufacturing Sector in Botswana: Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA), Mar 2019 – Feb 2020.
  9. Alcohol Reduction Strategies: Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jan – Feb 2019.
  10. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy and Development of Monitoring Tool: Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB), Apr 2017 to Dec 2017.
  11. Evaluation of the National Interventions against Alcohol Abuse in Botswana: Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jan 2017 to Oct 2017.
  12. Botswana Climate Smart Agriculture: Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), Nov 2016.
  13. Review of the Revised National Incomes, Employment, Prices and Profits of 2005: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, May 2016 to Mar 2017.