Currently, BIDPA has a staff compliment of 34. Of these, 18 are researchers at the following levels; Senior Research Fellows, Research Fellows II, Research Fellows I and Associate Reseachers. The remaining 16 are support staff from Human Resources and Administration, Finance, Knowledge Management & Dissemination, Information Technology and Program Coordination. There are currently 10 vacancies.
Research Staff
Trade Industry and Private Sector Development

Tshepiso Gaetsewe
Goitseone Khanie
Dr Pinkie Kebakile
Acting Head of Unit; Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development
Dr Pinkie Kebakile is a Research Fellow at BIDPA, working under the Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Unit. She holds a PhD in Economics, specialising in international trade, from University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her PhD thesis is entitled “Dynamics of Firm-level Export Diversification in Botswana”. The thesis specifically focusses on trading firms in Botswana, in relation to their export diversification behaviour. Dr Kebakile has vast experience in consultancy work and her previous record as a team member is that of a dedicated and time conscious consultant. She has done well in a number of research and consultancy projects at BIDPA which include, inter alia, “Review of the Small, Medium and Large Enterprises Database”, which was initiated by the Local Enterprise Authority; “Consultancy on the Viability and Long Term Development Strategy for the Livestock (Beef) Sub-Sector in Botswana” for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning; “The Competitiveness of the Botswana’s Beef Industry”, which resulted in a journal publication; “The Feasibility of Mandatory Fortification of Cereals in Botswana” for the University of Botswana; “A National Trade Policy for Botswana: Zero Draft and Consultations” for Ministry of Trade and Industry; and the “Review of the Existing Welfare Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Botswana” for the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning. Dr Kebakile’s experience with consultancy work also includes providing technical advice on trade policy and market access issues through her membership in the following committees; Technical Committee on Market Access; Committee on Empowerment of Women in Trade; Committee on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (TIFI); as well as member of the Industrial Development Forum.
Tshepiso Gaetsewe
Research Fellow I

Goitseone Khanie
Research Fellow I

Goitseone Khanie
Research Fellow 1
Unit: Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development
Ms. Goitseone Khanie is a Research Fellow in the Trade, Industry and Private Sector Development Unit at BIDPA. She holds a collaborative Master of Arts Degree in Economics (2014) from the University of Botswana and the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC); and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree in Economics and Public Administration (2011) from the University of Botswana. As a think tank researcher, Ms. Khanie has a solid background in evidence-based policy research and consultancy, which extends across economic policy analysis, production of policy publications and statistical analysis. She specialises in Industry and Private Sector Development, and her research interests lie primarily in enterprise development, industrialization, financing for development, digitalization, global value chains (GVCs) and international trade issues. Some of her research work has been published in peer reviewed journals, and as BIDPA working papers and policy briefs. Ms Khanie has contributed immensely to the successful completion of several consultancy projects while at BIDPA including among others the Review of the 2012 Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy, Assessment of Investment Opportunities within the Manufacturing Sector in Botswana, Review of Botswana’s Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme, and Profiling and Assessment of the Formal and Informal SMMEs in Botswana.
- Khanie G., and Gaetsewe, T., (2022). “Responsiveness of Cigarette Demand to Price Changes in Botswana”. African Capacity Building Foundation, February 2022
- Khanie, G., (2020). “Key Drivers of Industrial Growth: A Case Study of Botswana’s Manufacturing Sector”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 73, March 2020.
- Khanie, G., (2019). “Education and Labor Market Activity of Women: The Case of Botswana”. Journal of Labor and Society, Vol. 1, No. 22, pp. 791-805,
- Khanie, G., (2019). “Education and Female Labour Market Activity”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 61, May 2019.
- Khanie, G., (2018). “Impact of Internationalization on Firm Performance”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, Working Paper No. 58, August 2018.
- Khanie, G., (2018). “Financing SMEs in Botswana: Factors Influencing Access to Credit”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. Working Paper No. 50, March 2018.
- Malope, P., Tshukudu, M., Gaetsewe, T., Khanie, G., Molefhi, K. and Mackenzie, L., (2018). “An Insight into the 2018/19 Budget for the Education Sector: Briefing Note”. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis.
- Modisaemang, G., Narayana, N., and Nair, M.K.S., (2015), “Is External Debt a Threat to Botswana’s Economic Growth? An Empirical Enquiry”, International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Jan – June 2015), pp. 15-23.
- Nair, M.K.S., Narayana, N. and Modisaemang, G, (2014), “The Causality Between External Debt and Economic Growth in Botswana: A Vector Autoregressive (VAR) Approach”, Indian Journal of Environment and Development, Vo. 11, No. 1, (June 2014), pp. 19-41.
Consultancy Projects
- Baseline Survey for CEDA Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation System: Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency, March 2023 to date.
- Analysis of Tourism Leakages in Botswana: Botswana Tourism Organisation, Feb 2023 to date.
- Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey: Botswana Power Corporation, Nov 2021 to March 2023.
- Assessment of the Formal and Informal SMMEs in Botswana: Local Enterprise Authority, Dec 2021 – Dec 2022.
- Assessment of the SACU Operation Model: Ministry of Finance, Oct 2021 – Sep 2022
- Responsiveness of Cigarette Demand to Price Changes in Botswana: African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), Zimbabwe, Dec 2020 – Feb 2022
- Review and Revision of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme for Botswana: Ministry of Finance, Jan 2020 – Jul 2021,
- Assessment of Investment Opportunities within the Manufacturing Sector in Botswana: Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA), Mar 2019 – Feb 2020.
- Alcohol Reduction Strategies: Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jan – Feb 2019.
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy and Development of Monitoring Tool: Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB), Apr 2017 to Dec 2017.
- Evaluation of the National Interventions against Alcohol Abuse in Botswana: Ministry of Health and Wellness, Jan 2017 to Oct 2017.
- Botswana Climate Smart Agriculture: Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN), Nov 2016.
- Review of the Revised National Incomes, Employment, Prices and Profits of 2005: Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, May 2016 to Mar 2017.
Research Staff
Governance and Administration
Dr G. Somolekae
Dr Molefe Phirinyane
Marumo Omotoye
Thabile Samboma

Dr Keneilwe Marata
Dr G. Somolekae
Acting Executive Director & Senior Research Fellow
Dr Gloria Somolekae is the head of the Governance and Administration Unit at BIDPA. The unit spearheads research on a number of Governance areas including democracy and development, corruption, e-governance, public sector reforms, policy implementation and project management, service delivery issues, evidence-based policy making, local government, rural development and policy analysis in general.
Dr Somolekae brings to BIDPA extensive expertise and experience in a variety of Governance issues that are the focus of its work.
She holds a PhD in Public Administration from the Maxwell School, Syracuse University, USA. She obtained a Master’s degree in Public Policy and Administration in 1983 from the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, Netherlands. Her undergraduate degree is in Public Administration and Political Science obtained from the University of Botswana and Swaziland.
Dr. Somolekae started her career as a Lecturer at the University of Botswana where she taught Development Administration, Public Policy analysis, Research Methods, Local Government, Program evaluation and Organizational Development.
After 18 years with the University, she joined the W.K. Kellogg Foundation as a Policy Consultant focusing on poverty eradication and broader issues of rural development in Southern Africa. In 2006, she moved to South Africa to take on the role of Program Director at the W.K. Kellogg Africa head office assuming responsibility for the work of the Foundation in Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique and Zimbabwe.
After relocating to Botswana, she was appointed Specially Elected Member of Parliament. She served as a member of the Pan African Parliament which is located in Midrand in South Africa. In 2011 she was appointed the Deputy Minister of Finance and Development Planning where she also assumed the role of Director for the African Development Bank representing the Botswana Government. She then served for a year, before moving to the Office of the President, and later the Ministry of Health in the same role of deputy.
During her stay in parliament and cabinet, she contributed to a variety of policy related tasks covering State Owned Enterprises, Budget formulation and Administration, reviewing the mandate of the Rural Development Council and the Rural Development Program. Her portfolios included issues of Poverty, disability and HIV/AIDS.
During the many years that she was a researcher, she covered a number of research topics in the broad governance field ranging from, Democracy and elections, Local government, election management; Foreign Aid effectiveness: how the management of Aid in Botswana has been critical to aid effectiveness; civil society issues and the role of this sector in development; Governance and HIV/AIDS issues; Performance Management System within the Botswana Public Service; Public Sector Reforms; Development planning and management; Gender and development.
- National Coordinator of the UN SDG 11 Project on Human Settlements (February to July 2017)
- Lead Researcher; National Survey on Public Confidence in the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Board (PPADB), 2015
- Developed the Implementation and Monitoring Framework of the Sports Commission Act; 2015. Commissioned by the Botswana Sports Commission
- Coordinator; The National Customer Satisfaction Survey; Commissioned by the Citizen Economic Development Agency (CEDA), 2010.
- Authored the Background Paper for the Botswana Government and the European Union on the 10th Development Framework between Botswana and the EU.
- May 2005-February 2006: Member of the Pan African Working Group on Institutional Effectiveness in Africa. Was charged with assessing the state of institutional effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa focusing on Kenya, Senegal and Ghana. A project coordinated by the Institute of Global Dialogue in Pretoria
- July 2006: Institute for Global Dialogue Project: Strategic responses to HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa: The case of Botswana.
- June-August 2005: Governance and AIDS Project: An examination of the role of Parliament, Parliamentary committees and individual members of Parliament in the response to HIV in Botswana. A study commissioned by IDASA, South Africa.
- January 2005: Economic Commission for Africa Report: Democracy, development and poverty – on strengthening the capacity of African parliaments and political parties to play a more effective role in poverty reduction.
- February to May 2003: NORAD’S Governance Program team member: Project aimed at drawing up a comprehensive strategy to support governance in Southern Africa.
- February to March 2002: Consultancy on Contract Financed Technical Cooperation and commissioned by Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA).
- May 2002: Member of an EU’s commissioned team of three to evaluate the performance of the Lesotho Electoral Commission.
- 1999/2000: Botswana National Productivity Centre (BNPC) Project- A situational analysis of the Performance Management System in the Botswana Public Service. This work was key in guiding the efforts of the Botswana Government as it rolled out its Public sector reform initiative in the form of the performance Management system. As the Chair of the Vision 2016 Council, She continued to play a key role in this effort of transformation of the public service. The Permanent Secretary to the President at the time constituted a group called The Critical Eye to advise him in rolling out this process. Somolekae served in this team.
- 1998/1999: International Development Research Centre (IDRC): Project on managing transition from aid dependency: the case of Botswana.
- 1998: The Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA): A study on Managing Good Fortune: Macro-economic Management and the role of Aid.
- Member of the research team: International Development Research Centre (IDRC) Project on Managing Transition From Aid Dependency: The Case of Botswana (1998-1999).
- 1996: Overseas Development Council (ODC): A study on aid effectiveness in Africa with special reference to Botswana but covering 7 African countries.
- With K.R. Hope Sr. Public Administration and Policy in Botswana (1998) Juta Publishers, South Africa.
- With Jerker Carlson and Nicolas Van de Walle, Foreign Aid in Africa: Learning from Country Expriences (1997) Nordiska, Afrikainstitute, Uppsala, Sweden.
- With Hildegunn K. Nordas and Gilbert Sekgoma, Managing Good Fortune: Macroeconomic Management and the Role of Aid in Botswana (1998) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway.
- With Gervase Maipose & T. Johnston, Aid Effectiveness in Botswana (1996) Overseas Development Council, Washington D.C. U.S.A
- Book Review, Third Word Quarterly, Volume 8, No, July 1986.Review of Jack Parson’s book: Botswana: Liberal Democracy and the Labour Reserve in Southern Africa.
- “Perceptions and Attitudes of Botswana Mineworkers Towards the South African Gold Mines”, with Special Reference to Living Conditions, Legal Issues and Trade Unions, (1987) ILO Working Paper No. 36, Geneva with L,Molamu and Athaliah Molokomme.
- “The Informal Sector and Small-Scale Enterprise Development in Botswana’’ (1992) Working Paper No. 61 National Institute for Development Research and Documentation, Gaborone.
- “Mobilizing Public Opinion and the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations” in Which Way Botswana’s Environment? Proceedings of a Symposium organized by the Kalahari Conservation Society, (1992) Botswana.
- With John Holm “Some Tentative Conclusions on the Democracy Project” in Botswana, Education, Culture and Politics (1998), Centre of African Studies, Edinburg, U.K.
- “Do Batswana Think and Act as Democrats?’’ in Holm Molutsi (eds.) Democracy in Botswana (1989) Macmillan Botswana Publishing Company.
- “Policy Formulation and Land Tenure Re-organization: A Case Study of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy’’ in Mobilization of Resources for National and Development in Southern Africa.
- “The Nature and Evolution of Botswana’s Development Planning System: Achievements and Challenges Ahead” in Nordas, Somolekae (1998).
- “Bureaucracy and Democracy in Botswana: What Type of a Relationship?” in Stedman (1992). The Political Economy of Botswana, Westview Press, U.S.A.
- “Reconciling Sustainable Development and Environment Concerns’’ in Sustainable Rural Development, (1993) Botswana Society, Gaborone.
- With Patrick Molutsi and J. Holm “The Developments of Civil Society in a Democratic State” in African Studies Review, Volume 39, No. 2.
- With B. Grosh “Mighty Oaks from Little Acorns: Can Micro Enterprises Serve as the Seedbed for Industrialization?” in World Development (1996) Volume 24, No. 12.
- With G. Maipose “Aid Management in Botswana: Experiences and Lessons” in Botswana: Politics and Society (1998) edited by H. Lekorwe and W. Edge. Van Schaik Publishers, South Africa.
- With H. Lekorwe “The Chieftainship System and Politics in Botswana” (1966-1995) in W.A. Edge and M.H. Lekorwe Botswana: Politics and Society, J.L. Van Schaik, South Africa.
- With Maipose and Johnston “Effective Aid Management: The Case of Botswana” in Carlson, Somolekae and Van de Walle (1997), Foreign Africa: Learning from Country Experiences. Aid in Nordika Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, Sweden.
- “A Brief History of the Botswana Public Services’’ in Somolekae and Hope (1998), Public Administration and Policy in Botswana, Juta, South Africa.
- “The Financing of Local Government” in Hope and Somolekae (1998).
- With Maipose “Aid Management and Impact” in Hope and Somolekae (1998).
- With M. Molomo “Making a Difference: NGOs, Good Governance and Service Delivery” in Hope and Somolekae (1998).
- “Localization and Training for Change: Experiences and Challenges” in Hope and Somolekae (1998).
- “Widening the Frontiers of Democracy: Towards a Transformative Agenda In Botswana Politics” in pula: Botswana Journal of African Studies (2000), special issue on Elections and Democracy in Botswana.
- “Who Runs for Office? The Results of the 1984 Candidates Survey.” Presented at the Election Study Workshop in 1984, Gaborone, Botswana
- “The Chieftainship System and Politics in Botswana: 1966-1986)” Paper presented at Workshop on Development Trends in the Past Twenty Years of Independence, Gaborone, Botswana.
- “Attitudes of Batswana Miners Towards their Working Living Conditions in South Africa.” Preliminary results presented at the Southern African Labour Commission Conference held at Gaborone (1986).
- February, 1987: “A Profile of Batswana Mineworkers”. Paper presented at the Botswana Federation of Trade Unions Workshop on Migrant Labour, held at Tlokweng, Botswana.
- “Problems of Coordinating Rural Development in Botswana: A Case Study of Drought Relief Programmes in the Central District” (co-authored with M. Lekorwe),presented at the Case Writing Working held at Arusha, Tanzania (1988).
- “Do Batswana Think and Act as Democrats?” (1988) A paper presented at the Democracy Seminar, Gaborone, Botswana
- “Some Tentative Conclusion from Democracy Project” (1988) Paper co-authored with Prof. J. Holm, presented at a Conference on “Botswana: Education, political, culture,’’ Centre for African Studies, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.
- “Migration from Botswana to South Africa and Its Impact on family life’’ (1991) Presented at Northwest University, Chicago, Illinois.
- “Women and Politics in Africa” (1991) Paper presented as a Guest Speaker at the Women’s Weeks, Cleveland State University, Ohio.
- “Bureaucracy and Democracy in Botswana. What Type of a Relationship?” (1991) Presented at the John Hopkins School of African and International Studies, Washington D.C., U.S.A
- “Reconciling Sustainable Development and Environmental Concerns in Botswana,” (1992) Paper presented at a Joint Botswana Society and Ministry of Local Government and Lands Conference on Sustainable Rural Development, Gaborone.
- With V. Ayeni “Promoting the Credibility and Effectiveness of Electoral Administration Agencies – The Case of Botswana” Paper presented at a Senior Policy Seminar on Strengthening Electoral Administration in Africa, Accra, Ghana, 1993.
- “Reorienting Public Administration for National Development in a Changing Society: Experiences from Botswana.” Paper presented at a conference on the Role of public Administration in Political Transformation: 1994, University of the Western Cape, South Africa.
- “The Prevalence and Research Consequences of Rape on Women in Botswana: An Agenda for Research and Action.” Paper presented at a Workshop on Violence Against Women, Gaborone, Botswana (1995)
- “Women and Politics in Africa” Overseas Development Council, Washington D.C June 11-12, 1996.
- “Challenges Facing Local Authorities in Botswana” Paper presented at a Chief Executives Seminar, Gaborone 1998.
- “Elections and Democracy in Botswana” Paper presented at the Workshop on Electoral Democracy in Southern Africa, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa.
- With Dr Mpho Molomo “Sustainable Democracy in Botswana” Paper Presented at a Conference on Towards Sustainable Democratic Institutions in Southern Africa, The International IDEA, May 10-13, Gaborone, Botswana,2000.
- “Methodologies of Assessing and Evaluating Voter Turnout in Southern Africa” Paper presented at the Southern African Election Forum, 11-14June, 2000, Windhoek, Namibia.
- “The Democracy and Development Nexus: Exploring the Linkage”. Paper presented at the international conference on Sustaining Africa’s Democratic Momentum, organized by the South African Electoral Commission and the African Union, Johannesburg, South Africa 5-7 March 2007.
- “Democracy, Development and Poverty – exploring the linkage”. Presented at the International IDEA Democracy Roundtable 2008, New Delhi, India,17 June 2008.
- Participated in the Regional Expert Consultation on Democracy and Development, Accra, Ghana,14-15 December 2009.
Over the years, Dr Somolekae has served in a number of Boards in the country and beyond. These include the Election Institute of Southern Africa (EISA), the Southern African Research and Documentation Centre (SARDC), the Africa Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) and others. She currently chairs the following boards; the Botswana Innovation Hub (BIH), the Botswana Agricultural Marketing Board (BAMB) and the Remuneration Committee (Remco) of Letshego Holdings. She is the Patron of the Cancer Association of Botswana.
Dr Molefe Phirinyane
Acting Head of Unit; Governance and Administration
Molefe has extensive research and consultancy experience. He joined BIDPA in 1999 and has conducted a number of studies for various clients ranging from the Botswana Government to international development partners. He has also authored book chapters and was the lead researcher as well as being the lead researcher in a project whose findings were published as a book entitled “The State of Governance in Botswana”. Molefe’s research interests range from public policy, governance, local government and human resource management. Some of the notable projects that Molefe has undertaken and/or participated in include:
Analysis of Performance Management in the Local Authorities of Botswana (AusAID funded); Review of the Rural Development Policy; Strengthening of HATAB’s organisational and Operational Structures (EU funded); Politics and Good Governance: Realities and Experiences; Budget Transparency and Participation II: The Botswana Case Study; The State of Governance in Botswana (UNECA funded); International Republican Institute’s Rising Stars Project; Review of the Botswana International University of Science and Technology; as well as having conducted and presented in numerous workshops and seminars for public officers in Botswana.
Email :
Tel : +267-397150
Marumo Omotoye
Research Fellow I
Mr. Marumo Omotoye joined the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis in May 2015 as an Research Fellow I in the Governance and Administration Unit. Prior to joining BIDPA, Marumo served as an Assistant Lecturer and Research Assistant at the University of Pretoria from 2009 to 2012, and as a Consulting Assistant for Leadership Education and Development (Pty) Ltd, a Gaborone-based consulting firm from January 2013 to May 2015.
Education and Research Interests
Mr. Omotoye obtained his Bachelors, Honours and Master’s Degrees in Public Management from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests are in the areas of Public Policy, Governance, and Anti-Corruption Reforms. Marumo is PRINCE2 Certified and has project management experience having been involved in the following projects:
- Consolidation and Repositioning of the South African Public Service – Collaborative project between the South African Department of Public Service and Administration and the United Nations Development Programme (2012 – 2013)
- Development of a Communications Strategy for the Botswana Examinations Council (2013 – 2014)
- Development of the Botswana Fibre Networks (BOFINET) Strategy and Performance Management System (2013 – 2014)
- Development of a High Performance Culture Strategy for the Botswana Telecommunications Corporation Limited (2014 –2015)
- Consultancy on the Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) Customer Satisfaction Survey (2015)
- Development of the National Waste Management Policy for the Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control (DWMPC) (2015–2016)
- Open Budget Survey 2017 for Botswana
- Development of the National Decentralisation Policy (2016-2019)
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Citizen Economic Empowerment Policy (CEEP) and Development of Monitoring Tools (2017-2018)
- Data Entry, Analysis and Report Compilation on Public Opinion Survey on Corruption for the Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime (2020)
- Omotoye, A.M.T. (2011). An evaluation of the retention and career management policy for senior management in the South African Public Service with specific reference to the Limpopo Province. MAdmin Dissertation. Pretoria: University of Pretoria.
- Omotoye, A.M.T. and Malan, L.P. (2011). Conceptualising Labour Turnover and
Retention Management in the Senior Management Service. African Journal of Public
Affairs, 4(1), pp.160-169. - Omotoye, A.M.T. (2016). An Overview of the Role of Non-State Actors in Preventing
and Combating Corruption: Challenges and Opportunities. Public Administration Review,
5(2), pp.6-18. - Omotoye, A.M.T. (2017). Determinants and impediments of whistle-blowing in local
government councils: A case study of the South-East District Council, Botswana.
Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review, 5(1). - Omotoye, A.M.T. (2018). Policy Implementation Challenges and Prospects in Botswana:
Case of the National Policy on Care for People with Disabilities. BIDPA Working Paper
49. - Omotoye, A. M.T. (2019). Institutional and policy issues experienced in the
implementation of Botswana’s national disability policy. Journal of Public Affairs, 19(2). - Omotoye, A.M.T. (2019). Gender and Corruption in Botswana: Perceptions,
Participation and Considerations for Anti-Corruption Policy. BIDPA Working Paper 69. - Omotoye, A.M.T. Whistleblowing in Botswana’s Construction Industry: A Public and
Private Sector Perspective. BIDPA Working Paper (Forthcoming). - Omotoye, A.M.T. Perspectives on Gender and Corruption in Botswana: Lessons and
Implications for Anti-Corruption Policy. African Journal of Public Administration and
Management (Forthcoming).
Thabile Samboma
Research Fellow I

Ms Thabile Samboma is currently employed as an Research Fellow I by the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) under the Public Sector Reforms Unit. She holds a Masters degree in Public Administration (MPA) and a Bachelor of Arts degree, both from the University of Botswana. Thabile’s research interests revolve around gender developmental issues and educational issues. Prior to joining to BIDPA, Ms Samboma worked as a lecturer at ABM university college in the department of HR. She has also worked in a number of organizations as a Human Resource practitioner.
Since joining BIDPA, Ms Samboma has been involved in the following projects:
- National Waste Management Policy of Botswana
- Botswana Communications Regulation Authority (BOCRA) Customer Satisfaction Survey
Dr Keneilwe Marata
Research Fellow II

Research Staff
Human and Social Development

Dr David Mmopelwa

Dr. Khaufelo Lekobane
Dr. Masedi Mao Motswapong
Lillian Mookodi
Dr David Mmopelwa
Acting Head of Unit; Human and Social Development

Dr. Masedi Mao Motswapong
Research Fellow II

Dr Masedi Mao Motswapong is a public policy analyst interested in international economics, trade, and labour market issues, with 15 years of successful and progressive experience contributing to national policy and economic development.
He has contributed immensely to public policy with relevant research outputs. He is hardworking and highly responsible with work, has a high capacity for teamwork and a solid commitment to project delivery within budget and time allocated.
Dr Motswapong, a Research Fellow at BIDPA, holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Economics from Nelson Mandela University, South Africa. His thesis is titled Wage Differentials by Sector and Gender in Botswana.
Since joining BIDPA, he has been a team member for several consultancy projects of national importance. The projects, among others, include (i) an Analysis of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Tariff Structures and Identification of Priority Areas for Botswana, (ii) an Inventory Assessment of Botswana’s National Policies, Regional and Multilateral Commitments in Trade Related Issues, (iii) A study to investigate the impact of the SACU Tariff Policy on Food Prices in the Sub-Region, 2008 – 2009. (iv) Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN) Project-The International Trade Unit hosted the Thematic Theme on Trade and Pro-Poor Growth, (v) Mapping out investment opportunities in District and Town Councils in Botswana, (vi) A project on Mining and the Diversification of the Botswana Economy, (vii) A study to inform Botswana’s choice between SACU and SADC Customs Union, (viii) Member of the Special Select Committee of Inquiry on the Botswana Meat Commission and the Beef Industry, (ix) A study to assess the Costs and Benefits of Botswana’s membership in SACU, (x) A study to review and align Economic Policies, strategies and laws (along with their regulations) in Botswana, and (xi) Development of the Waste Management Policy. Dr Motswapong has also published BIDPA working papers and several peer-reviewed journals.
He also holds a Master of Arts degree in Economics, a Post Graduate Diploma in Education and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, all from the University of Botswana.
Lillian Mookodi
Research Fellow 1

Ms Lillian Mookodi is currently a Research Fellow in the Human and Social Development Unit, at BIDPA. She is a Development Economist and holds a Master of Science in Development Economics and Policy, and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree where she specialised in Economics and Statistics, obtained from the Universities of Manchester and Botswana, respectively. Her research interests include research and development, poverty, inequality, youth development, regional integration, food security, policy analysis, unemployment and education, entrepreneurship development, child nutrition and growth, gender development, economics of the public sector, and monitoring & evaluation. Ms Mookodi has also worked for five years for the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development as a Food and Poverty Coordinator.
Consultancy Projects/ Research involved in while at BIDPA
- The “Botswana National Poverty Eradication Policy”. Client: OP/UNDP. 2019.
- The “Botswana Women Entrepreneurship Study”. Client: The World Bank. 2017/18.
- The “Review of the Revised National Policy on Incomes, Employment, Prices and Profits of 2005”.
Client: Ministry of Finance & Economic Development. 2016. - The “Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority Customer Satisfaction Survey”. Client:
Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority. 2015. - The “Social Upliftment Theme Diagnostic” Client: NSO, Botswana. 2014.
- “Gender and Inclusive Growth: The Role of Institutions in Promoting SME Growth in Mauritius
and Botswana”: IDRC. 2013. - The “Evaluation of the African Development Bank's 2004-2013 Asistance to Botswana”. Client:
African Development Bank. 2013. - “The Botswana Social Protection Assessment”. Collaboratively with World Bank. (2013).
- “The Revision of National Policy on Gender and Development”. Client: MLHA- Gender Affairs
Department. 2012.
1. L. Mookodi, (2019), “Consumption Inequality in Botswana: The Decomposition of the Gini Coefficient of Consumer Expenditures”, BIDPA Working Paper 65.
2. Mookodi L., and Kaboyakgosi G. (2018). “Towards a “Whole of Government” Approach? Experiences of the Integrated Results Based Management System in Botswana”. African Journal of Public Administration and Management. Special Edition; Vol. XXV No. 2. June 2018. The African
Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM).
3. Okurut, F. N., Ama, N.O., Mookodi, L., Okurut, M.L.A., & Ama, H. A. (2016). Determinants of SMMES Growth in Botswana. International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January-June, 2016): 23-44.
4. Okurut, F.N; Ama, N.O; Mookodi, L; Okurut, M.L.A; Ama, H.A. Institutions and SMME Development in Botswana: Evidence from Exploratory. (2016). Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2016: 39-61.
5. Ana B. Amaya, Isaac Choge, Philippe De Lombaerde, Stephen Kingah, Samuel Longwe, Mubita Luwabelwa, Enock Mhehe, Themba Moeti, Lillian Mookodi, Ponesai Nyika and Molefe Phirinyane, (2015), “A PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Southern African Development Community (SADC)”, December 2015
6. Kaboyakgosi G. and L. Mookodi, (2014), “Integrated Results Based Management in Botswana: Institutions, Documentation and Progress to Date”, BIDPA Working Paper 41.
Research Staff
Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning
Kedibonye Sekakela
Johane M Motsatsi

Gao Maenge
Kedibonye Sekakela
Research Fellow 1

Ms Sekakela is a Research Fellow (Financial Economist) at Botswana Institute for Development Policy & Analysis (BIDPA) in the Macroeconomics and Development Unit. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Finance and a Master Degree in International Economics. As a researcher, she has published several papers including budget briefs, working papers and journals in the areas of financial markets, macroeconomics, international trade and on general development issues. Sekakela has participated in various consultancy projects and in public forums on development policy. Before joining BIDPA, Ms Sekakela worked as a Business Analyst at Accenture Botswana, where she gained experiences on project management and assessing organisational performance. She also worked as a tutor for finance modules at the University of Botswana.
- K, Sekakela. K, Motsatsi. J and Raboloko. M (2018). Budget briefing. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis
- K (2018). Financial development and economic growth in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. BIDPA working paper 48.
- K (2018). Infrastructure Financing in Botswana; Engagement with Multilateral Development Banks and Recommendations for Improving Lending Processes. South African Institute of International Affairs. Discussion paper (April 2018).
- J.T & Sekakela. K. (2016). Review of Bank Charges in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development and Policy Analysis. BIDPA Policy Brief.
- Sekakela .K.,(2016). The impact of trading with China on Botswana’s economy, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, pp.2 – 23.
- Sekakela K. (2015). Chapter 4: Export Diversification Experiences for resource-rich Countries. In Grynberg, R., Sengwaketse, M., & Motswapong, M. (ed). Botswana Post Diamond Study: A Study into the Consequences of and Responses to the Depletion of Botswana’s Diamonds. Mmegi Publishing House.
- Grynberg, R. & Sekakela, K. (2015). Case studies in Base Metal Processing and Beneficiation: Lessons from East Asia and the SADC Region. South African Institute of International Affairs. SAIIA report 21.
- Grynberg, R. & Sekakela, K. (2013). Water Pricing and Policy in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development and Policy Analysis. BIDPA working paper 35. 6
Johane M Motsatsi
Research Fellow 1

Mr. Johane M Motsatsi is currently an Research Fellow I in the Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning Unit at BIDPA. Motsatsi holds a Master of Economic Studies (Economic Analysis) from the University of New England, Australia. My work experience involves research and publication as well as conducting research projects for the government, private sector and international organizations such as World Bank, African Capacity Building Foundation and African Development Bank.
- Motsatsi, M. J. (2015), “Technical Efficiency and Evidence of Economies of Scope in Botswana Agriculture: A Stochastic Input Distance Function Approach”. Journal of Economics and Public Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015.
- Tabengwa G. and Motsatsi, M. J. (2015), “An Assessment of the Diversification-Growth Implications and Emerging Policy Dynamics” FES/UB/BIDPA, paper presented at the FES/UB/BIDPA Conference on A Sustainable Model for Botswana. FES. Botswana
Key Projects
Since joining BIDPA, Mr. Motsatsi has been a team member for some key projects, which include:
- African Capacity Indicators, 2015, for African Capacity Building Foundation
- Country Policy and International Assessment for Botswana, 2013-2015.
- Southern African Region Position Paper (US-Africa Relations), 2014.
- Innovative Solutions to Youth Unemployment in Africa- Case Study for Selected Sub-Sahara Countries-Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Swaziland, 2015.
- Youth Development Summit Report, 2015.
- Regional Economic Communities Assessment of SADC, 2014.
Gao Maenge
Research Fellow 1

Research Staff
Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources
Koketso Molefhi
Ikanyeng Gaodirelwe
Charity Masole
Koketso Molefhi
Research Fellow I

Ms Koketso Molefhi is an Research Fellow I (Natural Resource Economist) at Botswana Institute of Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) in the Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resource Unit. She holds a Collaborative Master of Arts Degree in Economics from University of Botswana and Kenya School of Monetary Studies under the African Economic Research Consortium programme (Specialized in Monetary Policy and Theory and Econometric Analysis), and a Bachelor of Arts Degree Single major in Economics from the University of Botswana. Prior to joining the BIDPA team, Ms Molefhi was working for First National Bank Botswana under the Wealth Management Division. Key research interests broadly are Renewable Energy, Natural Resource Management, Financial Inclusion, Capital Markets Development, International Finance, Macroeconomics and Econometrics.
Working Papers and Current Research Papers
- Tshukudu, M. K. and Molefhi, K. (work in progress), “Smart Grid Utilisation: A policy Option as a Response Measure to Climate Change”
- Molefhi, K. (work in progress), “Development of Renewable Energy Sector in Botswana: Current Status and Future Potential”
- Molefhi, K. (2019), “Financial Inclusion and its Impact on Employment Creation in Botswana”, BIDPA Working Paper No.60, Gaborone, Botswana
- Molefhi, K. (2019), “Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Capital Market Development in Botswana’s Economy”, BIDPA Working Paper No.62, Gaborone, Botswana macroeconomic-variables-capital-market-development-botswanas-economy/
- Malope, P., Tshukudu, M. K., Gaetsewe, T., Khanie, G., Molefhi, K., Mackenzie, L (2018) “An Insight into the 2018/19 Budget for the Education Sector: Briefing Note, BIDPA Budget Briefing
Consultancies (Present and Completed)
- Consultancy Services for the Review and Revision of the Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme for Botswana (Present)
- Assessment of Investment Opportunities within the Manufacturing Sector in Botswana for Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency
- The Economic Contribution of Copyright Based Industries in Botswana’s Economy for Companies and Intellectual Property Authority, a National Study based on International Methodology, undertaken in 8 months
- The Consumer/Operator Customer Satisfaction Survey for Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority, a national survey undertaken in 3 months
Ikanyeng Gaodirelwe
Associate Researcher

Ms. Ikanyeng Gaodirelwe joined the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) in September 2019 as an Research Fellow I (Environmental Science Specialist) in the Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources unit. She holds a Master of Philosophy in Natural Resources Management from the Okavango Research Institute, University of Botswana, and a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Science from the University of Botswana. Before joining BIDPA, Ms. Gaodirelwe was a Project Officer-Sustainable Land Management at UNDP (Kgalagadi & Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystem project). Ikanyeng had a career spanning for 10 years with the Department of Wildlife & National parks as a wildlife officer in the Community Extension and Outreach division. Her research interests broadly include Community Based Natural Resource Management(CBNRM), Biodiversity conservation, Rural development and climate change issues.
Overseen the development and implementation of the following;
- Public awareness Strategy for the Department of Wildlife and National Parks under the Government and GEF funded Kgalagadi & Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystem Project, 2019
- Gender Mainstreaming Strategy under the Government and GEF funded Kgalagadi & Ghanzi Drylands Ecosystem Project, 2019
- Gaodirelwe, I. Motsholapheko, M. R. & Masunga, G. S. (2020): Community perceptions of wildlife management strategies and subsistence poaching in the Okavango delta, Botswana. Journal of Human Dimensions.
- Gaodirelwe, I. Motsholapheko, M. R. & Masunga, G. S. (2018). CBNRM; a promising strategy in reducing subsistence poaching around protected areas, Northern Botswana. Journal of Environment Development & Sustainability,
- Gaodirelwe, I., Motsholapheko, M. R., Masunga, G. S. & Kgathi, D.L. (2015). Effects of wildlife commercialization on poaching in Ngamiland District [Abstract]. Botswana Symposium on Wetlands and Wildlife 2015. Natural resource research: implications for management and conservation.
Charity Masole
Associate Researcher

Ms Charity Masole is an Research Fellow I – Agricultural Economist in the Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources Unit. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Egerton University, Kenya (2018) and she specialised in Agricultural Policy Analysis. Further, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics from Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (2014). Prior to joining BIDPA, Ms Masole was a Teaching Assistant (Tutor) at the University of Botswana, Economics department. Key research interests include agricultural policy issues, livestock value chains and marketing.
Journal Articles:
- Masole, C, Ayuya, O. I. & Moreki, J. C. (2019) Determinants of Adoption of Alternative Response to Foot and Mouth Disease: Micro-level evidence of smallholder pastoralists in North East district, Botswana. Journal of Tropical Animal Health and Production, 5(51):373-382.
- Masole, C., Mphothwe, G. K. & Moreki, J. C. (2015) Value Chain Analysis of Botswana Poultry Industry: The Case of Gaborone, Kgatleng, Kweneng and South East Districts. Journal of World’s Poultry Resources, 5(3):64-72.
Support Staff
Human Resource and Administration
Ms Boitumelo Wadikonyana
Tsabatho Tshukudu
Neo Maruping
Winnie Koboyatshwene
Kgomotso Ratau
Ms Boitumelo Wadikonyana
Human Resources and Administration Manager
Ms Boitumelo Wadikonyana joined BIDPA as Human Resources Manager on 1 July 2016. She is an experienced HR strategist and generalist with a wide range of human resources management experience spanning over more than 20 years. She was prior to joining BIDPA employed as Head of Human Capital Services at the Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana.
Boitumelo gained her experience in a number of organizations including Civil Aviation Authority of Botswana, Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Directorate of Public Service Management, Botswana College of Agriculture, and Shell Oil Botswana where she worked in various HR capacities ranging from Senior Human Resources Officer, Human Resource and Administration Manager, Senior Assistant Director, Senior Manager, just to mention but a few.
Boitumelo has a Bachelor of Commerce degree obtained from the University of Botswana, and a Master of Arts in Human Resource Management from Thames Valley University in London.
Email :
Ms Bangwe Siwawa-Moepeng

Isaac Modise
Kehumile Tsetsengwe
Thulani Ketsitlile
Ms Bangwe Siwawa-Moepeng
Finance Manager
Ms Bangwe Siwawa joined BIDPA as Finance Manager
Isaac Modise
Finance Officer
Thulani Ketsitlile
Finance Assistant

Support Staff
Knowledge Management and Dissemination

Poloko Ntokwane
Keoagile Phoi
Poloko Ntokwane
Manager, Knowledge Management and Dissemination

Information Technology
Mr Moemedi Madisa
Mr Moemedi Madisa
Information and Communications Manager
Moemedi Madisa is Information Technology Manager at Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis, the position he has held since August 2019. Mr Madisa holds MSc in Information Technology Management from University of Sunderland (UK).
He also holds a BSc Computer Science from University of Botswana. Previously, Mr Madisa worked for University of Botswana as Teaching Assistant for Computer Science, User Support Technician and LAN Supervisor for Department of Information Technology.
Support Staff
Programme Coordination
Ms Winnie Tirelo
Keitumetse Nkacha
Ms Winnie Tirelo
Programme Coordinator
Ms Winnie Tepo Tirelo joined BIDPA as a Programme Coordinator. Her roles include heading the Programme Coordination Unit responsible for managing research and capacity building projects, stakeholder engagement, strengthening partnerships and monitoring the BIDPA 2019-2023 strategy. Through the strategy, the Institute aims to; increase the number of evidence-based policies for effective policy-making and management, improve levels of public and stakeholder perceptions on BIDPA’s research quality and increase Non-State Actors participation and Public Officials’ capacity in policy making.
Winnie holds an MSc in Project Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a Certificate in Result Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation. Her areas of expertise include Project Management, Strategy, and Sustainable Development. Prior to joining BIDPA she worked for First National Bank of Botswana Foundation.
Research Staff