Staff Category
Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning
- Acting Executive Director
- BIDPA Management
- Board of Trustees
- Chairperson
- Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Finance
- Governance and Administration
- Human and Social Development
- Human Resource and Administration
- Information Technology
- Knowledge Management and Dissemination
- Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning
- Programme Coordination
- Trade Industry and Private Sector Development
Kedibonye Sekakela
Research Fellow 1
Ms Sekakela is a Research Fellow (Financial Economist) at Botswana Institute for Development Policy & Analysis (BIDPA) in the Macroeconomics and Development Unit. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Finance and a Master Degree in International Economics. As a researcher, she has published several papers including budget briefs, working papers and journals in the areas of financial markets, macroeconomics, international trade and on general development issues. Sekakela has participated in various consultancy projects and in public forums on development policy. Before joining BIDPA, Ms Sekakela worked as a Business Analyst at Accenture Botswana, where she gained experiences on project management and assessing organisational performance. She also worked as a tutor for finance modules at the University of Botswana.
- K, Sekakela. K, Motsatsi. J and Raboloko. M (2018). Budget briefing. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis
- K (2018). Financial development and economic growth in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis. BIDPA working paper 48.
- K (2018). Infrastructure Financing in Botswana; Engagement with Multilateral Development Banks and Recommendations for Improving Lending Processes. South African Institute of International Affairs. Discussion paper (April 2018).
- J.T & Sekakela. K. (2016). Review of Bank Charges in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development and Policy Analysis. BIDPA Policy Brief.
- Sekakela .K.,(2016). The impact of trading with China on Botswana’s economy, Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol. 9 Iss: 1, pp.2 – 23.
- Sekakela K. (2015). Chapter 4: Export Diversification Experiences for resource-rich Countries. In Grynberg, R., Sengwaketse, M., & Motswapong, M. (ed). Botswana Post Diamond Study: A Study into the Consequences of and Responses to the Depletion of Botswana’s Diamonds. Mmegi Publishing House.
- Grynberg, R. & Sekakela, K. (2015). Case studies in Base Metal Processing and Beneficiation: Lessons from East Asia and the SADC Region. South African Institute of International Affairs. SAIIA report 21.
- Grynberg, R. & Sekakela, K. (2013). Water Pricing and Policy in Botswana. Botswana Institute for Development and Policy Analysis. BIDPA working paper 35. 6
Johane M Motsatsi
Research Fellow 1
Mr. Johane M Motsatsi is currently an Research Fellow I in the Macroeconomics Forecasting and Planning Unit at BIDPA. Motsatsi holds a Master of Economic Studies (Economic Analysis) from the University of New England, Australia. My work experience involves research and publication as well as conducting research projects for the government, private sector and international organizations such as World Bank, African Capacity Building Foundation and African Development Bank.
- Motsatsi, M. J. (2015), “Technical Efficiency and Evidence of Economies of Scope in Botswana Agriculture: A Stochastic Input Distance Function Approach”. Journal of Economics and Public Finance, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2015.
- Tabengwa G. and Motsatsi, M. J. (2015), “An Assessment of the Diversification-Growth Implications and Emerging Policy Dynamics” FES/UB/BIDPA, paper presented at the FES/UB/BIDPA Conference on A Sustainable Model for Botswana. FES. Botswana
Key Projects
Since joining BIDPA, Mr. Motsatsi has been a team member for some key projects, which include:
- African Capacity Indicators, 2015, for African Capacity Building Foundation
- Country Policy and International Assessment for Botswana, 2013-2015.
- Southern African Region Position Paper (US-Africa Relations), 2014.
- Innovative Solutions to Youth Unemployment in Africa- Case Study for Selected Sub-Sahara Countries-Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Swaziland, 2015.
- Youth Development Summit Report, 2015.
- Regional Economic Communities Assessment of SADC, 2014.
Gao Maenge
Research Fellow 1