A study conducted by BIDPA titled; Child Sexual Abuse in Botswana; An evaluation of the effectiveness of child protection institutions in selected villages has recommended the development of a National Children’s Strategy to coordinate child protection institutions. According to the findings of the study, the strategy will map out a better way for institutions to work together by guiding all efforts in terms of planning and managing the delivery of services to children and their families.

Over the years, there has been a steep rise in the number of child sexual abuse cases reported by the Botswana Police, the media and other Child Protection Institutions with 572 reported in 2017 compared to 2033 in 2021.

The study found that the absence of national children’s strategy, poor coordination of child protection institutions, weak legislation framework, lack of capacity to deliver effective child protection services, inadequately financed child protection system, lack of systematic data collection and a decline in the family structure contribute to high incident of child sexual abuse in Botswana.

The following were recommended by the study; the review of the Children’s Act of 2009, development of a National Children’s Strategy, strengthening of the political will on Children’s issues, effective coordination of child protection institutions, promotion of collaboration among child protection institutions and strengthening the role of a family in the society.

The study also recommended the resourcing and capacitating of child protection institutions, strengthening the legalization framework, development of a centralized database system, development of an effective monitoring and evaluation plan for child protection institutions, development of child protection indicators and strengthening of evidence-based research.