Lillian Mookodi
Research Fellow 1

Ms Lillian Mookodi is currently a Research Fellow in the Human and Social Development Unit, at BIDPA. She is a Development Economist and holds a Master of Science in Development Economics and Policy, and a Bachelor of Social Sciences Degree where she specialised in Economics and Statistics, obtained from the Universities of Manchester and Botswana, respectively. Her research interests include research and development, poverty, inequality, youth development, regional integration, food security, policy analysis, unemployment and education, entrepreneurship development, child nutrition and growth, gender development, economics of the public sector, and monitoring & evaluation. Ms Mookodi has also worked for five years for the Ministry of Finance & Economic Development as a Food and Poverty Coordinator.
Consultancy Projects/ Research involved in while at BIDPA
- The “Botswana National Poverty Eradication Policy”. Client: OP/UNDP. 2019.
- The “Botswana Women Entrepreneurship Study”. Client: The World Bank. 2017/18.
- The “Review of the Revised National Policy on Incomes, Employment, Prices and Profits of 2005”.
Client: Ministry of Finance & Economic Development. 2016. - The “Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority Customer Satisfaction Survey”. Client:
Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority. 2015. - The “Social Upliftment Theme Diagnostic” Client: NSO, Botswana. 2014.
- “Gender and Inclusive Growth: The Role of Institutions in Promoting SME Growth in Mauritius
and Botswana”: IDRC. 2013. - The “Evaluation of the African Development Bank's 2004-2013 Asistance to Botswana”. Client:
African Development Bank. 2013. - “The Botswana Social Protection Assessment”. Collaboratively with World Bank. (2013).
- “The Revision of National Policy on Gender and Development”. Client: MLHA- Gender Affairs
Department. 2012.
1. L. Mookodi, (2019), “Consumption Inequality in Botswana: The Decomposition of the Gini Coefficient of Consumer Expenditures”, BIDPA Working Paper 65.
2. Mookodi L., and Kaboyakgosi G. (2018). “Towards a “Whole of Government” Approach? Experiences of the Integrated Results Based Management System in Botswana”. African Journal of Public Administration and Management. Special Edition; Vol. XXV No. 2. June 2018. The African
Association for Public Administration and Management (AAPAM).
3. Okurut, F. N., Ama, N.O., Mookodi, L., Okurut, M.L.A., & Ama, H. A. (2016). Determinants of SMMES Growth in Botswana. International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 9, No. 1 (January-June, 2016): 23-44.
4. Okurut, F.N; Ama, N.O; Mookodi, L; Okurut, M.L.A; Ama, H.A. Institutions and SMME Development in Botswana: Evidence from Exploratory. (2016). Asian-African Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2016: 39-61.
5. Ana B. Amaya, Isaac Choge, Philippe De Lombaerde, Stephen Kingah, Samuel Longwe, Mubita Luwabelwa, Enock Mhehe, Themba Moeti, Lillian Mookodi, Ponesai Nyika and Molefe Phirinyane, (2015), “A PRARI Toolkit of Indicators for the Southern African Development Community (SADC)”, December 2015
6. Kaboyakgosi G. and L. Mookodi, (2014), “Integrated Results Based Management in Botswana: Institutions, Documentation and Progress to Date”, BIDPA Working Paper 41.