Charity Masole
Associate Researcher
Ms Charity Masole is an Research Fellow I – Agricultural Economist in the Environment, Agriculture and Natural Resources Unit. She holds a Master of Science Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Egerton University, Kenya (2018) and she specialised in Agricultural Policy Analysis. Further, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Agricultural Economics from Botswana University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (2014). Prior to joining BIDPA, Ms Masole was a Teaching Assistant (Tutor) at the University of Botswana, Economics department. Key research interests include agricultural policy issues, livestock value chains and marketing.
Journal Articles:
- Masole, C, Ayuya, O. I. & Moreki, J. C. (2019) Determinants of Adoption of Alternative Response to Foot and Mouth Disease: Micro-level evidence of smallholder pastoralists in North East district, Botswana. Journal of Tropical Animal Health and Production, 5(51):373-382.
- Masole, C., Mphothwe, G. K. & Moreki, J. C. (2015) Value Chain Analysis of Botswana Poultry Industry: The Case of Gaborone, Kgatleng, Kweneng and South East Districts. Journal of World’s Poultry Resources, 5(3):64-72.