Ms Winnie Tirelo

Programme Coordinator

Ms Winnie Tepo Tirelo joined BIDPA as a Programme Coordinator. Her roles include heading the Programme Coordination Unit responsible for managing research and capacity building projects, stakeholder engagement, strengthening partnerships and monitoring the BIDPA 2019-2023 strategy. Through the strategy, the Institute aims to; increase the number of evidence-based policies for effective policy-making and management, improve levels of public and stakeholder perceptions on BIDPA’s research quality and increase Non-State Actors participation and Public Officials’ capacity in policy making.
Winnie holds an MSc in Project Management, Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and a Certificate in Result Based Project Management: Monitoring and Evaluation. Her areas of expertise include Project Management, Strategy, and Sustainable Development. Prior to joining BIDPA she worked for First National Bank of Botswana Foundation.

Keitumetse Nkacha

Programme Assistant
